

Bok svima! 

Novi post je konačno tu! Ispričavam se zbog neočekivane neaktivnosti! 
Jucer sam nosila vintage košulju, neobičnog, ali meni zanimljivog uzorka. Pronašla sam ju u tatinom ormaru, davno zaboravljenu, tako da sam ju odlučila ''oživjeti'' u svojim kombinacijama. Uz košulju sam kombinirala meni najdraže hlače visokog struka iz H&M-a, Tenisice Nike Air Max Thea, crnu kožnu jaknu iz Stradivariusa i sat Citizen. Kako bih zaokružila look 90-ih, napravila sam visoki rep! 
Nadam se da vam se sviđa ova moja kombinacija u stilu 90-ih, 
Do sljedećeg posta,

Hello everyone!

The new post is finally here! I apologize for the unexpected inactivity!
Yesterday I wore a vintage shirt, that has unusual but (to me) interesting pattern. I found it in my dad's closet, long forgotten, so I decided to  '' revive '' it  in my combinations. With this shirt I combined my favorite high waist pants from H&M, Nike Air Max Thea sneakers, a black leather jacket from Stradivarius and watch Citizen. To finish my 90s look, I made a high ponytail!
I hope you like  my combination in the style of the 90s,
Until the next post,

Photos taken by: ERNA


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