Sweater Weather!


Hello everyone! 

It's October! But that doesn't mean that we can't wear dresses, does it?! So, today I wore a simple, yet lovely outfit. I combined: ZARA dress, H&M sweather, H&M boots, ZARA leather jacket and designer BAGGIZ handbag Audrey Hepburn. (I adore Audrey, she is so beautiful and elegant! And I could easily say that she is the most beautiful woman who has ever lived!)
Hope you like it, 
'till the next time.

Bok svima! 

Konačno je došao i taj listopad. Što ne znači da ne možemo nositi haljine, zar ne?! Dakle, danas sam nosila jednostavni, a opet meni vrlo drag outfit. Kombinirala sam ZARA haljinu, H&M džemper, H&M čizme, ZARA kožnu jaknu i dizajnersku BAGGIZ torbicu s likom Audrey Hepburn. (Obožavam Audrey, predivna je i elegantna! I s lakoćom mogu reći da je ona najljepša žena koja je ikad živjela!) 
Nadam se da vam se sviđa,
Do sljedećeg posta.

Photos taken by: ERNA


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