ENVYROOM fashion show for Bipafashion.hr


ENVYROOM fashion show

Prije tjedan dana, imala sam privilegiju prisustvovati na reviji mog najdražeg hrvatskog brenda: eNVyroom-a (modni dvojac: Vjeko Franetović i Nikica Ivančević).
Sama euforija je započela samim ulaskom u prekrasno dekoriranu prostoriju! Na reviju sam išla u društvu naše blogerice: Daisy Elegant. A jedan od ljepših dijela večeri mi je bilo upoznavanje s još dvije naše blogerice: Holly Style i Djevojka od Mode! Cure su divne! 

Ova kolekcija me oduševila. Svaki komad ove kolekcije odiše elegancijom i ljepotom. Svaka žena bi mogla naći nešto za sebe! Od pomalo retro komada do onih modernijih! 

Naravno da imam svog favorita, dugačku crnu kožnu haljinu koja me jednostavno oborila s nogu i koju sam poželjela imati i u svom ormaru. Ta haljina mi je bila kraljica večeri, što i ne čudi jer svi znaju koliko obožavam kožne komade odjeće, haha! 

(Photo credit: eNVy room SS16)

Pokušala sam uhvatiti što bolje fotke, no to nije baš bio lak posao. Nadam se da ćete moći preko fotografija vidjeti ljepotu ovog brenda, a i priložit ću neke fotke koje sam preuzela s njihove stranice: www.envyroom.com

A week ago, I had the privilege to attend the show of my favorite Croatian brand: eNVyroom (fashion duo: Vjeko Franetović and Nikica Ivančević).
The euphoria began when we entered that beautifully decorated room! At the show I attended in the company of our blogger: Daisy Elegant. And one of the most beautiful part of the evening was when  I was meeting with two of our bloggers: Holly Style and Djevojka od Mode! The girls are beautiful!

This collection delighted me. Each piece of this collection exudes elegance and beauty. Every woman could find something for herself! From a little retro pieces to modern ones!

Of course I have my favorites, long black leather dress that you just knocked off my feet and I wanted to have in my closet. To me that dress was the queen of the collection, which is not surprising because everyone knows how much I love leather pieces of clothing, haha!

I tried to take good photos, but it was not an easy job. I hope you will be able to see the beauty of this brand through my photos, and I will attach a few photos that I've taken from their website: www.envyroom.com

My photos:

And here are the photos from their website: 

(New purses from eNVyroom collection)

(This is something I would wear all the time! I'm in love with it! And I love the glasses [Ghetaldus Optika])

Me at the show: 

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6 komentari

  1. Jedna divna, divna večer! I savršena kolekcija. Moramo ponoviti! :*

  2. inače obožavam njihove kreacije, tako da me ni ovaj put nisu razočarali :D
    btw odlično si izgledala ;)



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