

"Do it for you and not for them."

Odrastajući, shvatila sam da ponekad znamo sebe staviti na drugo mjesto. Svoju sreću, ono što stvarno želimo, ono što sanjamo, ignoriramo radi nekoga ili nečega. Ponekad se nalazimo u stresnim razdobljima života kada si jednostavno kažemo "Sada nije vrijeme za to. Kasnije ću" ili "Ovo je bitnije od toga, stvarno mi to nije potrebno.". Možda ponekad uistinu imamo nešto bitnije od tog nečega ''the stvari'', ali ono što želim reći je to da ne smijemo zaboraviti na to. Učini to, ostvari taj san, kupi si tu haljinu, počasti se nekim slatkišem! Male stvari su vrlo bitne i mogu te učiniti sretnom/im makar na par minuta! 

Dan kada je nastao ovaj post, šetala sam sa svojom sestrom i uživala u ljepoti Zagreba. Dan je bio divan, svugdje smo išle i stvarno smo se zabavile! I ne žalim ni sekunde. Iskoristila sam maksimum od toga dana, znate ono, carpe diem! 

Ono u čemu se najbolje osjećam su upravo kožne kombinacije. Kao što sam već nekoliko puta spomenula, kožna te čini moćnim ili barem ja to tako zamišljam! :) 
U ovom sam postu spojila kožne hlače i jaknu s majicom na prugice, mojim novim 'šuzama' i kožnim kesa-ruksakom! 

Growing up, I realized that sometimes we put ourselves in the second place. Your happiness, what we really want and what we dream of, we ignore because of  someone or something. Sometimes we find ourselves in stressful periods of life when you simply say, "Now is not the time. I will do it later" or "This is more important than that, I really do not need it.". Maybe sometimes we really do have something more important than  '' the thing, '' but what I want to say is that we must not forget it. Do it, achieve your dream, buy that dress, treat yourself with something sweet! Little things are important and they can make you happy at least for a few minutes!

The day when this post was created , I was hanging out with my sister and enjoying the beauty of Zagreb. It was beautiful, we really had a lot of fun! I do not regret a second. I used the maximum of the day, you know, carpe diem!

I feel so good in leather combinations. As I have already mentioned it several times, leather makes you feel powerful, or at least I imagine it! :)
In this post I merged leather pants and jacket with a striped T-shirt, my new shoes and a leather bag-backpack!

Shirt: H&M
 Bag: New Yorker
 Shoes: CCC
 Jacket: Bershka
Pants: Zara


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