Shake it off!
Bok svima!
Prvi post ove godine. Katastrofa, znam. Ne želim pisati isprike poput ''nisam bila u mogućnosti'', ''imam puno obaveza'' (iako je to stvarno istina, nažalost). Ovaj blog je nešto što stvarno volim i uživam radeći to. Ponekad se ljutim što nemam toliko vremena za stvari koje stvarno volim. Svi mi kažu, 'takav je život'. Pogotovo mi ne pridonosi i činjenica što sam ove godine maturantica, što znači matura, prijemni, odabir faksa...Razdoblje koji svaki čovjek mora pronaći i koji je jaaaako stresan. Jedva čekam završetak svega toga, ljeto, toplo vrijeme, sunce, more, druženje s prijateljima, drugim riječima, odmor. No da sve ne bude tako crno, evo novog posta! U novu godinu sam ušla na najbolji mogući način, doček s prijateljima i drugi dio večeri s obitelji. Jedan od onih 'dočeka za pamćenje'.
Današnji post je nastao usred pljuska, ni kiša me nije zaustavila, haha.
Danas sam nosila: Jeans košulju iz H&M-a, ljubičasti pulover iz DIESEL-a, 'podrapane' hlače iz ZARE, kaput iz ZARE, ruksak iz ACCESSORIZE-a, gumicu za kosu iz H&M-a i marte. Uz detalje poput sata, i prstenja.
Hello everyone!
The first post of the year. Wonderful, right?. I do not want to write apologies such as '' I couldn't make it '', '' I have a lot of obligations '' (although it's really true, unfortunately). This blog is something that I really love and enjoy doing it. Sometimes I get angry that I do not have much time for the things I really love. Everyone say, 'that's life'. Also, the fact that I'm a senior this year, which means graduation, exams, choosing college ... Period which every one of us must go through and that is extraordinarily stressful. I'm looking forward to end of it all, I want summer, warm weather, sun, sea, hanging out with friends, in other words, vacation. But it's not all that bad, here's a new post! This year started in the best possible way, partying with friends and other part of the evening with family. One of those 'Eves to remember'.
Today's post was created in the middle of a downpour, but the rain didn't stop me , haha.
Today I'm wearing: Jeans shirt from H&M, purple sweater with DIESEL, 'ripped' trousers from ZARA, coat from ZARA, backpack from ACCESSORIZE, a hair tie from H&M and boots. With details like the watch, and rings.
4 komentari
super outfit :)
Tenks! :)
IzbrišiLjepotice! :* Jakna ti je vrh!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTenks! ♡ :)