Summer flowers!


Bok svima! 

Srpanj je! Moj najdraži mjesec je u tijeku! Danas je u planu novi post! Ovaj outfit je star nekoliko dana. Bila sam u Zagrebu tako da sam sada konačno uhvatila malo vremena za blog! Bilo je tu još kombinacija, ali moj fotograf nije bio uz mene tako da ih možete vidjeti na mom Instagram profilu!

Ono što je karakteristično za mene preko ljeta jesu neobične frizure. Imam dugu kosu (iako sam se nedavno ošišala), stoga mi je je pod must kratke i jednostavne frizurice poput ove koje me jednostavno spašavaju od dodatnih vrućina! I naravno, veliki sam fan cvijeća u kosi (malo sam se ugledala na divnu Fridu Khalo) tako da bez tog ukrasa ne izlazim van! 

U današnjem postu sam kombinirala ovaj divni ljetni jumpsuit sa crvenim remenom i crvenom torbicom. Iako sam planirala drugu obuću. nosila sam divne bijele cipele s povišenim dnom. Od detalja sam nosila narukvicu i sat.
Za više informacija o brendu pojedinog komada, scroll dolje! :) 

Do sljedećeg posta, 

Hello everyone! 

It's July! My favourite month is on! Today, I'm bringing you new post! This outfit is a couple of days old. I've been in Zagreb for the last two weeks so now I finally have the time for my blog! I've had other cute outfits but my photographer wasn't in town so if you are interested you can see them on my Instagram profile!

I love wearing quick and unusual hairstyles in the summer. I have pretty long hair (although I cut it recently) so it's a must for me to wear these hairstyles! They save me from extra heat during hot summer days! And, of course, I'm a big fan of flowers in hair (I love how Frida Khalo wore it) so I often wear them!  

In todays post I combined this lovely jumpsuit with dark red belt and red clutch. I wore white platformed shoes although I had different shoes in plan! Details are bracelate and watch.
For more information about outfit brands, scroll down! :)

Until the next post,


Jumpsuit: H&M
 Shoes: H&M
Clutch: Vešmašina
Belt: Stradivarius
Sunglasses: E-Bay
Flowers: H&M
Bracelate: Junk Jewellery

 Photos taken by: ERNA


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