Bok svima!
Današnja kombinacija je tipični primjer outfita koje obožavam nositi u ove kasne jesenske dane. Boje su neutralne, jesenjske. U ovom postu nosim košulju na točkice STRADIVARIUS, jednostavnu crnu haljinu iz H&M-a, sat CITIZEN, debelu vestu zanimljivog uzorka koju sam pokupila od djeda. (Inače imam običaj boraviti u maminom, bakinom i djedovom ormaru i prisvajati si komade odjeće koji su zaboravljeni. To sam već spomenula u pretprošlom postu ''90's'' gdje nosim tatinu 'vintage' košulju.) i naravno, moje najdraže potpetice JEFFREY CAMPBELL LITA. Njih najviše volim nositi u jesen! Ovaj put su slike malo lošije kvalitete, pozadina nije baš bajna i uz to sam imala problema sa svijetlom. No, unatoč tome, nadam se da vam se outfit sviđa!
Do sljedećeg posta,
Hello everyone!
Today's combination is a typical example of outfits that I love to wear in these late autumn days. The colors are neutral, autumnish. In this post I wear a shirt with dots from STRADIVARIUS , simple black dress from H&M, clock CITIZEN, thick cardigan with interesting pattern that I took from my grandfather. (By the way I love collecting pieces of clothing that have been forgotten from my mum's, grandma's or grandpa's closet. I've already mentioned it before in a post ''90's'' where I wore my dad's 'vintage' shirt.) And of course, my favorite heels JEFFREY CAMPBELL LITA. I like wearing them the most in the autumn. This time the images are a bit low quality, the background is not very attractive and with it I had problems with light. But despite that, I hope you like the outfit!
Until next post,
- 07:27