"I am the sea and nobody owns me."
Taj dan sam nosila laganu majicu kombiniranu s 'podrapanim' hlačama. Kako bi ovom looku dala više romantičniji izgled, pridodala sam detalje poput šešira, koraljne narukvice i balerinki s remenom.
Ove hlače su mi definitivni favorit ovog ljeta jer su vrlo udobne, a svakoj kombinaciji pridodaju casual iliti opušteni izgled (iako se mnogi naši stariji neće složiti s tim i pokušat će nas odgovriti od njih, haha).
Nadam se da Vam se sviđa ovaj post,
Do sljedećeg posta (koji će biti malo drugačiji),
This is the third post in beautiful Murter! This time I was in Murter on the island of Murter! Pictures were taken at the marina, which is huge!
That day I was wearing a light shirt combined with a ripped jeans. To give this look more romantic look, I added the details, such as hat, coral bracelet and ballet shoes with a strap.
These pants are my definite favorite this summer because they are very comfortable, and in each combination they add to the casual aka relaxed appearance (although many of our elders will not agree with it and will try to talk us out of them, haha).
I hope you like this post,
Until next post (which will be a little different)
- 03:56