Two royal girls
Moja mala seka je prije 2 tjedna imala krizmu. Naravno da takav značajan dan neće proći bez par fotkica koje sam odlučila podijeliti s vama!
Mnogi od vas su me pitali za Erninu haljinu, stoga scroll down! Erninu haljinu smo našli na Asosu i čim smo je ugledale znale smo da je to to! Erna je bila divna, prava mala princeza. Istaknula se iz mase (ne govorim to jer mi je sestra, to je činjenica haha)!
A ja kao sestra takve male princeze, odlučih se na zlatnu haljinu. Klasično! Moja haljina je iz Reserved-a. Haljina je odlična i vrlo efektivna!
Da puno ne duljim, ovaj post ima malo više fotkica tako da uživajte!
Do sljedećeg posta,
Vaša Dii.
My little sister had a chrism two weeks ago. Of course that we took a few photos (read: a lot of them), so I decided to share some of them with you!
Many of you have asked me about Erna's dress. We found it on Asos & from the first moment we saw it we knew it's The dress! She was such a princess! (I'm not saying that because she is my sister, it is the fact! haha)
I wore golden dress, classic! Mine is from Reserved and I love it!
There are more photos than usual, so enjoy!
Until the next time,
Yours Dii.
Dress: Reserved
Heels: Solsana
Suit jacket: H&M
Sunglasses: Ebay
Clucth: Stradivarius
Dress: Asos
Heels: Stradivarius
Blouse: H&M
Crown: Robert Sever x Diva
Bracelet: Argentum
- 05:55