Spring is coming?
10:40Morning walk with my best friend
Vrijeme je trenutno veoma nepredvidljivo. Jedan dan mi se čini kao da je proljeće prisutno već duže vrijeme, a već sutradan se vratim u jesenjsko okruženje. Ne mogu dočekati proljeće!Danas Vam donosim jedan outfit koji je zapravo slikan u prosincu, ali sam ja uz tolike obaveze zaboravila na njega.
Fotke je slikala jedna od meni najdražih osoba na svijetu, osoba koju obožavam, moja bff.
Taj dan sam se odlučila poigrati s kombinacijom. Spojila sam prekrasnu haljinu od kašmira s dokoljenkama zimskog uzorka. Ovaj kaput od brušene kože je moj definitivni favorit ove zime, užasno topao i udoban. Ova zime sam ulovila ove marte (koje su krznene iznutra).
The time is very unpredictable. One day it seems as if the spring is already here, and the next day it feels like it's autumn all over again. I can not wait for spring!
This outfit is actually photographed in December, but I forgot about it due to so many things I had to do.
Photos were taken by one of my favorite people in the world, the person I love, my bff.
That day I decided to play around with the combination. I combined my beautiful cashmere dress with winter pattern knee socks. This coat of suede leather is my definite favorite this winter,it's very warm and comfortable. This winter I also bought these Martens (which have fur inside).
Dress: Petit Bateau
Shoes: Dr. Martens
Knee socks: H&M
Scarf: H&M
Scarf with dots: Zara
Backpack: Accessorize
Silver belt: Ebay
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