Sticky Fingers
09:10It's only rock 'n' roll but I like it
Najslađe mi je pronaći neki odjevni komad iz ormara mojih roditelja/baka i djedova. Već sam pisala o tome tako da se ne želim ponavljati, ali recikliranje stare odjeće mi je zabavan izazov. Pogotovo ako se neki komadi nađu na popisu ''must have'' komada sezone.
Često se oblačim po raspoloženju. Nekad sam baš rapoložena za girly outfite, ali u većem slučaju se oblačim kao u današnjem postu. Pogotovo kad nađem tatinu staru Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers majicu! Veliki sam fan Stonesa tako da mi je to jedna od najdražih majica.
Oufit sam nadopunila poderanim hlačama, neizostavnom kožnom jaknom, lennonicama, niskim ''dr. Martens lookalike'' cipelama, srebrnim ruksakom i chokerom koji me vratio u 90e!
Jedna od stvari koja me razveselila je vraćanje chokera u svijet mode. To me vratilo u djetinjstvo i rado sam prihvatila taj trend. U ovom postu nosim klasični tattoo choker, ali imam u planu obogatiti svoju kolekciju s različitim vrstama koje viđam online i koje su jednostavno preslatke!
Za info o tome gdje sam nabavila pojedine komade outfita, scroll down!
Do sljedećeg puta,
I love when I find a piece of clothing from the closet of my parents / grandparents. I already wrote about it so I do not want to repeat myself, but I find recycling of old clothes a funny challenge. Especially if something is on the list of ''must have'' pieces of the season.
I often dress depending on my mood. Sometimes I'll be in the mood for girly outfits, but in most cases I dress as in today's post. I found my dad's old Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers T-shirt! I'm a big fan of the Stones so this is one of my favorite shirts.
I wore ripped pants, leather jacket, lennons, cut low '' Dr. Martens lookalike'' shoes, a silver backpack and a choker that brought me back in the 90s!
One of the things that made me happy was the return of chokers in the world of fashion. It took me back to my childhood, and I gladly accepted this trend. In this post I wore classic tattoo choker, but I plan to enrich my collection with different types that I see online and which are just adorable!
For info on where I bought each pieces of outfit, scroll down!
Till next time,
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