Birthday girl #20
23:34It's my 20th birthday!
Više nisam tinejdžer! Wuhuu! Vrijeme stvarno brzo leti! Ali nema veze, ja sam sretna. Danas je moj dan i iskoristit ću ga maksimalno!
Dugo sam razmišljala što mogu napisati u rođendanskom postu i kako ga napraviti. Razne ideje su mi padale na pamet, ali ipak sam ostala vjerna klasičnom postu. Kako sam i dalje u divnom Zagrebu, odlučih se fotkati na svom najdražem mjestu, ovom genijalnom vidikovcu.
Što se tiče outfita, odlučih se za pomalo meni netipičan izgled (ali vjerujte mi, obožavam ga!)
Totalno ljetni look, kombinezon s biljnim printom i upečatljive kvadratne zlatne naušnice. A sandale su moja nova 'zamjena' za bilo kakav oblik povišenih peta koje još uvijek nisu pronašle stalno mjesto u mom ormaru ili svakodnevnim kombinacijama!
Do sljedećeg posta,
Vaša Dii.
I'm not a teenager anymore! Wuhuuu! Time really flies, but that does not matter. I'm happy! Today is my day and I'm going to spend it well!
I wanted to do something bigger for my b-day on my blog. I had so many ideas but I decided to stick to my classic post. I'm still in Zagreb, so this post was shoot in my favourite place in Zagreb.
Today I wore something that is not very typical for me, but I loved it! I felt so beautiful, haha.
I wore this beautiful jumpsuit with leaf design and golden squared earrings. And these sandals are my favourite shoes for the summer, good replacement for high heeled shoes (which still haven't found a way in my closet nor my daily outfits, I just don't like them that much, flat shoes rock!)
Until my next post,
Your Dii.
Jumpsuit: H&M
Shoes: Pull&Bear
Squared earrings: H&M
Sunglasses: *gift*
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